emotion dynamics

Positive affective functioning in anhedonic individuals’ daily life


Psychopathology and positive emotions in daily life

Short review article (accepted for publication)

Reciprocal associations between positive emotions and motivation in daily life


Reward and punishment learning in daily life


Sociomarkers of anhedonia in depression


The dynamical signature of anhedonia in major depressive disorder

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is the leading cause of disability worldwide. The cardinal features of MDD are depressed mood and anhedonia. Anhedonia is defined as a markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities of the day, and has generally been investigated on group-level using retrospective data (e.

The happy, the sad, and the anhedonic

PhD thesis (2017)

Reciprocal associations between positive emotions and motivation in daily life

No group differences were found in monthly depression and pleasure scores, but the momentary data showed higher positive affect (PA) and pleasure ratings in the month following the intervention in the two intervention groups than in the control group. The tandem skydive did not have any effects above the effects of the lifestyle advice. Our results indicate that providing personalized lifestyle advice to anhedonic young adults can be an effective way to increase PA and pleasure.